Friday, September 30, 2005

Second feedback

Thanks to all who participated so far! Still looking for more participants until the end of October!

Special thanks to Jack Vinson, Tom Murphy, Karl Long, Gary Potter, Sam Sugar and Ross for putting a link on their blogs for my survey!

I finished a very first version of my thesis now (60 pages) without including the results of the survey so far. I'll post an overview about the first results within the next 2 weeks...

Enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

More participants & some papers

...still sending out emails hoping for more participants for the survey... At least the response rate seems to be much higher than with sending out letters or with other kind of market research...

Just got this White Paper from Jürg Stuker from Namics a few days ago - a bit short, but interesting!

I also almost finished reading James Torio's Master thesis about blogging. Interesting is also the email exchange between him and gapingvoid.
First impression - I do have to admit - is not that good for a Master Thesis...especially the unclear sources for the literature and the sometimes needless digressions into topics which have nothing to do with what he wants to find out - by the way: It's also not really clear WHAT exactly he wants to find out - there are no theses given in the paper...- I could add some more things like the excessive use of pictures or the sometimes wired sources in his bibliography - but, hei, I first have to do something better! Always easy to criticise...

Monday, September 19, 2005


I just got the update for my survey. It's on THIS page now - unfortunately on a new one - I'll inform the bloggers who already wrote about this survey asap...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

First feedback

Thanks very much for all the feedbacks I got for the survey until now! Keep on participating and forwarding it!

I changed some things like the order of questions and some additional answer-functions in the survey. And I also added one more question which I consider as essential - so there are 11 now...I'll try to find out this last question for the persons who already participated on each person's webpage - it's about the marketing background - the survey should be updated today or tomorrow...

Even though I made a pretest with, there were still several things to change.
Special thanks to Steffen Büffel, Matt Galloway and Rich Pizor for their suggestions!

I'd also like to thank Beatrice Krause, Paul Chaney, Jörg Eugster, Thomas Pleil, Carlos Merigo, Ansgar Zerfaß, David Burn and Lee Odden for either publish it on their blog, forward it to other people or sending me suggestions for articles!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Survey on Rogator

I finally finished my survey on Rogator at the following adress: SURVEY and I'm searching now for participants.
Every day I write some emails to blogs which I think could be interesting and interested in this kind of surveys.

The survey only has 10 questions and it takes about 5min to fill it out.

By the way, I put together some interesting articles about corporate blogging together with some links for the company I'm working for (Nice Ventures) - probably something interesting as an overview for you as well:

Fredrick Wacka, Communications Adviser and Blogger, Sweden
Beginners' Guide to Corporate Blogging
A short introduction in the external usage of weblogs for companies.

John Cass, Backbonemedia, Inc., USA
Corporate Blogging: Is It Worth The Hype?
In-depth interviews and a survey with more than 70 bloggers from the corporate blogging world.

Susan Herring, Indiana University, USA
Bridging the Gap: A Genre Analysis of Weblogs
Overview of the 'blogosphere' with a survey and a categorization on weblogs

George Dafermos, Company Consultant and Blogger, USA
Blogging the Market. How Weblogs are turning Corporate Machines into real Conversations
Current impact and spectrum of possible applications of weblogs in companies.

Claudia Jüch/Antje Stobbe, Deutsche Bank Research, Germany
Blogs: ein neues Zaubermittel der Unternehmenskommunikation?
Recommendations for companies who think about the implementation of internal or external corporate weblogs.

Martin White, Managing Director Intranet Focus Ltd., UK
Intranets - moving from information to knowledge. The role of blogs and wikis.
Discussion of the usage of weblogs as a support tool of internal knowledge management systems.

Vanda Lehel/Florian Matthes, TU München, Germany
Weblogs als ein innovatives Instrument des betrieblichen Wissensmanagements
Weblogs as a tool for the support of the internal knowledge management of organizations

Lee Rainie, PEW Internet & American Life Project, USA
The State of Blogging
Actual survey about the blog use and blog readership in the USA

Christian Wagner, City University of Hong Kong
Supporting Knowledge Management in Organizations with Conversational Technologies: Discussion Forums, Weblogs and Wikis
Comparison of several web technologies as a tool for the internal knowledge management.

Benno Häfliger, youngculture AG, Switzerland
General overview of business weblogs and their application area for companies

Marion Richter, Proximity GmbH, Germany
Corporate Blogging. Chancen für den Dialog.
Interviews with some of the biggest companies in Germany and Switzerland and a huge survey of internet users in Germany about Corporate Blogging

Rick Murray, Edelmann/Intelliseek, USA
Trust 'Media'. How Real People Are Finally Being Heard
Overview and guide for marketers & company stakeholders for corporate blogging

Ansgar Zerfass,
Meinungsmacher im Internet. Weblogs und Peer-to-Peer-Dienste als Herausforderungen für die PR
Challenges and applications for the corporate communication with weblogs

Some interesting examples for corporate blogging in Europe
Information and examples for business blogs

List of CEO's who blog
Guide to Corporate Blogging

Information about corporate blogging with many links
Exploration of new technologies and their influence on marketing, media and pr
German blog about weblogs and their connection to marketing

...see the blogrolls of these blogs for more inspiration...
Update: found some dead-links. Added the links on the left side of the webpage now...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Rogator No2

Nach (fast) zwei Tag- und Nachtsessions Kampf mit dem Programm Rogator hab ichs nun doch noch hingebracht, die Befragung einigermassen nach meinen Vorstellungen zu kreieren. Es bleibt natürlich immer die Unsicherheit bei einer 5-minütigen Befragung (10 Fragen), ob auch alles relevante berücksichtigt wurde...

Die Studie von BackboneMedia hat irgendwie erstaunlich wenig Partizipienten in ihrer Befragung - mag an den 32 Fragen liegen, die zum Teil sehr spezifisch und ausführlich beantwortet werden müssen. Erschreckend, dass 500 Blogger angesprochen, 800 auf die Seite kamen und nur um die 70 jeweils die Fragen beantwortet haben...Wie war das nochmals mit meinem Ziel von 400 Partizipienten??

Da ich mir vor einigen Tagen einen iPod mini gekauft habe, werd ich mich nun auch ein wenig mehr mit dem immer stärker aufkommenden Podcasting beschäftigen. Hierzu gleich ein Artikel von Fredrick Wacka.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Online-Befragung #2

Nach der Erstellung einer Liste möglicher Personen, die mir bei der Online-Befragung anhand eines Beitrags auf ihrem Blog helfen könnten, muss ich nun nochmals die Befragung überarbeiten und danach definitiv aufschalten. Hoffe inständig auf eine hohe Anzahl Partizipienten. Als Ziel setze ich dieselbe Anzahl, die Julia Habermann bei einer ähnlichen Untersuchung letztes Jahr erreicht hat - also ca.400 Personen.

Hab gerade eine ziemlich interessante Untersuchung über Corporate Blogging von John Cass gefunden bei der sieben Fragen an Corporate Blogger gestellt werden - durch Trackbacks und Kommentare kann man direkt die Antworten betrachten.
Ah...die ist auch auf TheNewPR/Wiki aufgeschaltet - Die Seite mit den CEO-Blogs (früher mal erwähnt) - sehr informativ!

Die Untersuchung von Backbonemedia, die erst vor wenigen Tagen herausgegeben wurde, beschreibt sehr interessant einige Fallbeispiele und deren Auswirkungen für die Firma. Zusammengefasst und ergänzt mit im White Paper enthaltener Grafik kann das Ganze im Blog von Backbonemedia nachgelesen werden

...und noch alles schön zusammengefasst auf einer Seite...

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