Literature about Blogging
I still didn't find the time to publish some first results of my thesis. Hope I can publish the whole paper within the next weeks (after my Prof gave me a feedback)...
Meanwhile, I looked through some blogs which I subscribed on Bloglines. The blogosphere is moving so fast, that I already think my thesis is out-of-date...
I like the list from Tim Fischer of a first draft of his bibliography he used for his PhD even though it's a bit old.
I think it's interesting for future works to see what bibliography was used in earlier papers. Especially when you write a thesis about it... ;-)
Please look also on earlier links to lists about blogging: here and here...and also on the left...
Hope these lists and the following bibliography can help someone to have it easier in writing a paper about blogging:
Alphonso, D./Pahl, K. (2004): Blogs! Fünfzehn Blogger über Text und Form im Internet - und warum sie das Netz übernehmen werden, Berlin 2004
Angeles, M. (2003): K-Logging: Supporting KM with Web Logs, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Bauhoff, J. (2004): What's new?, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Berkman, R. (2004): The Skeptical Business Searcher: The Information Advisor’s Guide to Evaluating Web Data, Sites, and Sources, Medford 2004
Carl, R.C. (2003): Bloggers and their Blogs: A Depiction of the Users and Uses of Weblogs on the World Wide Web (unveröff. Masterarbeit Georgetown Univ. Washington DC 2003)
Cass, J./Turcotte, S./Munroe, K. (2005): Corporate Blogging: Is it Worth the Hype?, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-70
Copeland, H. (2005): Blog Reader Survey, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Cords, L.C. (2005): Reality Surfing - sieben fischerAppelt-Thesen über Weblogs,
Frühwarnsysteme und Kommunikation, in:, 10.07.2005, S. 1-3
Dafermos, G.N. (2003): Blogging the Market. How Weblogs are Turning Corporate Machines into Real Conversations, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-93
Dahle, S./Hässler, R.D. (1996): Issue-Monitoring. Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche PRArbeit, in: PR Forum 2(1996)3, S. 27-29
Doctorow et. al. (2002): Essential Blogging, Sebastpol 2002
Drezner, D.W./Farrell, H. (2004): The Power and Politics of Blogs, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-27
Eisenegger, M. (2005): Blogomanie und Blogophobie. Zur Überschätzung des Internets als Quelle organisationaler Umfeldgefährdungen, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-18
Fischer, T. (2004): Corporate Blogs - Seifenblase oder Bereicherung?, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Godwin-Jones, R. (2003): Emerging Technologies. Blogs and Wikis: Environments for Online Collaboration, in: Language Learning and Technology 7(2003)2, S. 12-16
Gumbrecht, M. (2004): Blogs as "Protected Space", in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Häfliger, B. (2005a): Business Weblogs. Das neue Leitinstrument der
Unternehmenskommunikation!?, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-30
Häfliger, B. (2005b): Business-WebLogs, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-22
Halavais, A. (2002): Blogs and the "Social Weather", in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-10
Henning, J. (2003): The Blogging Iceberg, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Henning-Thurau, T./Walsh, G. (2003): Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Motives for and
Consequences of Reading Customer Articulations on the Internet, in: International Journal of Electronic Commerce 8(2003/2004)2, S. 51-74
Herring, S.C. et. al. (2004): Bridging the Gap: A Genre Analysis of Weblogs, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-11
Horton, J.H. (2003): Marketing and Blogs: What Works, in: http://www.onlinepr.
com/Holding/MarketingandBlogs-WhatWorks.pdf, 15.11.2005, S. 1-9
Jüch, C./Stobbe, A. (2005): Blogs: Ein neues Zaubermittel der
Unternehmenskommunikation?, in: Economics. Digitale Ökonomie und struktureller
Wandel 53(2005)August, S. 1-8
Kirkpatrick, D./Roth, D./Ryan, O. (2005): Why There’s No Escaping the Blog, in: Fortune
Magazine Nr.151, 24. Januar 2005, S.64
Koch, M.C./Haarland, A. (2004): Generation Blogger, Bonn 2004
Kumar, R. et. al. (2003): On the Bursty Evolution of Blogspace, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-9
Lehel, V./Matthes, F. (2003): Weblogs als ein innovatives Instrument des betrieblichen
Wissensmanagements, in: Szwillus, G./Ziegler, J. (Hrsg.): Mensch und Computer 2003:
Interaktion in Bewegung, Stuttgart 2003, S. 229-238
Li, C. (2004): Blogging: Bubble or Big Deal? When and How Businesses Should Use Blogs, in:,7211,35000,00.html,
15.11.2005, S. 1-18
Lyons, D. (2005): Attack of the Blogs, in: Forbes Magazine 128(2005)November, o.S.
Miller, R. (2003): Blogging for Business, in: EContent 26(2003)10, S. 30
Mitchell, R. (2004): The New Companies On The Blog, in: Financial Times o.Nr., 22.
Dezember 2004, S. 11
Mortensen, T./Walker, J. (2002): Blogging Thoughts: Personal Publication as an Online
Research Tool, in:
02/docs/Researching_ICTs_in_context-Ch11-Mortensen-Walker.pdf, 15.11.2005,
S. 249-279
Möller, E. (2005): Die heimliche Medienrevolution. Wie Weblogs, Wikis und freie Software die Welt verändern, Hannover 2005
Murray, M./Talbot, P./Blackshaw, P. (2005): Trust "Media". How Real People are Finally
Being Heard, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-22
o.V. (2003): Golden blogs. Blogging, to the horror of some, is trying to go commercial, in:
The Economist Nr. 33, 14. August 2003, S. 2
Olbertz, D. (2004): Das Blog-Buch: Weblogs für Einsteiger und Profis, München 2004
Perez, J.C. (2004): Google Sees Benefits in Corporate Blogging, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Pleil, T. (2004): Meinungen machen im Internet? Personal Web Publishing und Online-PR, in: PR-Guide. 09(2004)September, S. 1-15
Pleil, T. (2005): Blogging: PR zwischen Euphorie und Ignoranz, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Przepiorka, S. (2003): Weblogs und deren technische Umsetzung, in:,
15.11.2005, S. 1-12
Rabe, T. (2004): Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser, in:,
17.07.2005, S. 1-2
Radzikowska, M. (2003): Conversation by Blog: Expanding Personal Technology into the Academic Community, Alberta 2003 (unveröff. Masterarbeit Univ. Alberta 2003)
Rainie, L. (2005): The State of Blogging, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-4
Reichardt, R./Harder, G. (2005): Weblogs: Their Use and Application in Science and
Technology Libraries, in: Science & Technology Libraries 25(2005)3, S. 105-116
Röll, M. (2005): Corporate E-Learning mit Weblogs und RSS, in: Hohenstein, A./Wilbers, K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch E-Learning, Köln 2005, S. 1-20
Rosen, E. (2000): The Anatomy of Buzz: How to Create Word-of-Mouth Marketing, New
York 2000
Roush, W. (2005): Digerati Debate the Wisdom of Product Placement in Blogs, in:
Technology Review 5(2005)Juli, o.S.
Schotzger, E. (2005): Blogs bei CEO’s immer beliebter, in:, 17.11.2005, o.S.
Scott, D.M. (2005): Big Business Blogging, in: Econtent 28(2005)3, S. 1-2
Shaw, R. (2005): Blogs. The latest tool in Corporate Arsenals, in: Investor's Business Daily o.Nr., 15. April 2005, o.S.
Sifry, D. (2005): State of the Blogosphere, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.
Smith, S. (2005): In Search of the Blog Economy, in: Econtent 28(2005)1/2, S. 1-4
Stuber, L. (2004): Suchmaschinen-Marketing. Direct Marketing im Internet, Zürich 2004
Thommen, J.P. (2002): Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 5.Aufl., Zürich 2002
Torio, J. (2005): Blogs. A Global Conversation, New York 2005 (unveröff. Masterarbeit
Univ. New York at Stony Brook 2005)
Wacka, F. (o.J.): Beginners' Guide to Corporate Blogging, in:, 15.11.2005,
S. 1-16
Wagner, C. (2005): Supporting Knowledge Management in Organizations with
Conversational Technologies: Discussion Forums, Weblogs, and Wikis, in: Journal of
Database Management 16(2005)2, S.1-8
Walther, T./Krasselt, M. (2005): Corporate Blogging. Chancen für den Dialog, in:,
15.11.2005, S. 1-48
White, M. (2004): Intranets – Moving From Information to Knowledge. The Role of Blogs
and Wikis, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-6
Wichmann, T. (2004): Weblogs in Marketing und PR: Konzepte, Potenziale und
Herausforderungen, Berlin 2004
Williams, J.B./Jacobs J. (2004): Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector, in: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 20(2004)2,
S. 232-247
Wittenbrink, H. (2005): Newsfeeds mit RSS und Atom, Bonn 2005
Zerfass, A. (2004): Meinungsmacher im Internet. Weblogs und Peer-to-Peer-Dienste als
Herausforderungen für die PR, in:,
15.11.2005, S. 1-9
Zerfass, A. (2005): Corporate Weblogs: Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Herausforderungen, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-9
Zerfass, A./Bölter, D. (2005): Die neuen Meinungsmacher. Weblogs als Herausforderung für Kampagnen, Marketing, PR und Medien, Graz 2005
Zerfass, A./Sandhu, S. (2005): Virtuelle Authentizität. Die Nutzung von Weblogs als
Kommunikationsinstrument für das Top-Management, in: http://www.ikp.unibonn.
15.11.2005, o.S.
Greetings, Roger. I notice that you have cited an artice I co-authored with my colleague, Geoff Harder. However, the citation information is incorrect. The actual citation is as follows:
Reichardt, R, and G Harder. Weblogs: Their Use and Application In Science and Technology Libraries. Science & Technology Libraries, 25(3), 2005, p 105-116. A link to the article is here.
Thanks for the correction! I already gave my final version to my prof, but I'll correct it when I send it out to the bloggers who were interested in it (as soon as I get a feedback from my prof)...
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