Thursday, December 15, 2005

Literature about Blogging

I still didn't find the time to publish some first results of my thesis. Hope I can publish the whole paper within the next weeks (after my Prof gave me a feedback)...

Meanwhile, I looked through some blogs which I subscribed on Bloglines. The blogosphere is moving so fast, that I already think my thesis is out-of-date...

I like the list from Tim Fischer of a first draft of his bibliography he used for his PhD even though it's a bit old.
I think it's interesting for future works to see what bibliography was used in earlier papers. Especially when you write a thesis about it... ;-)
Please look also on earlier links to lists about blogging: here and here...and also on the left...

Hope these lists and the following bibliography can help someone to have it easier in writing a paper about blogging:

Alphonso, D./Pahl, K. (2004): Blogs! Fünfzehn Blogger über Text und Form im Internet - und warum sie das Netz übernehmen werden, Berlin 2004

Angeles, M. (2003): K-Logging: Supporting KM with Web Logs, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Bauhoff, J. (2004): What's new?, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Berkman, R. (2004): The Skeptical Business Searcher: The Information Advisor’s Guide to Evaluating Web Data, Sites, and Sources, Medford 2004

Carl, R.C. (2003): Bloggers and their Blogs: A Depiction of the Users and Uses of Weblogs on the World Wide Web (unveröff. Masterarbeit Georgetown Univ. Washington DC 2003)

Cass, J./Turcotte, S./Munroe, K. (2005): Corporate Blogging: Is it Worth the Hype?, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-70

Copeland, H. (2005): Blog Reader Survey, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Cords, L.C. (2005): Reality Surfing - sieben fischerAppelt-Thesen über Weblogs,
Frühwarnsysteme und Kommunikation, in:, 10.07.2005, S. 1-3

Dafermos, G.N. (2003): Blogging the Market. How Weblogs are Turning Corporate Machines into Real Conversations, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-93

Dahle, S./Hässler, R.D. (1996): Issue-Monitoring. Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche PRArbeit, in: PR Forum 2(1996)3, S. 27-29

Doctorow et. al. (2002): Essential Blogging, Sebastpol 2002

Drezner, D.W./Farrell, H. (2004): The Power and Politics of Blogs, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-27

Eisenegger, M. (2005): Blogomanie und Blogophobie. Zur Überschätzung des Internets als Quelle organisationaler Umfeldgefährdungen, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-18

Fischer, T. (2004): Corporate Blogs - Seifenblase oder Bereicherung?, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Godwin-Jones, R. (2003): Emerging Technologies. Blogs and Wikis: Environments for Online Collaboration, in: Language Learning and Technology 7(2003)2, S. 12-16

Gumbrecht, M. (2004): Blogs as "Protected Space", in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Häfliger, B. (2005a): Business Weblogs. Das neue Leitinstrument der
Unternehmenskommunikation!?, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-30

Häfliger, B. (2005b): Business-WebLogs, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-22

Halavais, A. (2002): Blogs and the "Social Weather", in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-10

Henning, J. (2003): The Blogging Iceberg, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Henning-Thurau, T./Walsh, G. (2003): Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Motives for and
Consequences of Reading Customer Articulations on the Internet, in: International Journal of Electronic Commerce 8(2003/2004)2, S. 51-74

Herring, S.C. et. al. (2004): Bridging the Gap: A Genre Analysis of Weblogs, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-11

Horton, J.H. (2003): Marketing and Blogs: What Works, in: http://www.onlinepr.
com/Holding/MarketingandBlogs-WhatWorks.pdf, 15.11.2005, S. 1-9

Jüch, C./Stobbe, A. (2005): Blogs: Ein neues Zaubermittel der
Unternehmenskommunikation?, in: Economics. Digitale Ökonomie und struktureller
Wandel 53(2005)August, S. 1-8

Kirkpatrick, D./Roth, D./Ryan, O. (2005): Why There’s No Escaping the Blog, in: Fortune
Magazine Nr.151, 24. Januar 2005, S.64

Koch, M.C./Haarland, A. (2004): Generation Blogger, Bonn 2004

Kumar, R. et. al. (2003): On the Bursty Evolution of Blogspace, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-9

Lehel, V./Matthes, F. (2003): Weblogs als ein innovatives Instrument des betrieblichen
Wissensmanagements, in: Szwillus, G./Ziegler, J. (Hrsg.): Mensch und Computer 2003:
Interaktion in Bewegung, Stuttgart 2003, S. 229-238

Li, C. (2004): Blogging: Bubble or Big Deal? When and How Businesses Should Use Blogs, in:,7211,35000,00.html,
15.11.2005, S. 1-18

Lyons, D. (2005): Attack of the Blogs, in: Forbes Magazine 128(2005)November, o.S.

Miller, R. (2003): Blogging for Business, in: EContent 26(2003)10, S. 30

Mitchell, R. (2004): The New Companies On The Blog, in: Financial Times o.Nr., 22.
Dezember 2004, S. 11

Mortensen, T./Walker, J. (2002): Blogging Thoughts: Personal Publication as an Online
Research Tool, in:
02/docs/Researching_ICTs_in_context-Ch11-Mortensen-Walker.pdf, 15.11.2005,
S. 249-279

Möller, E. (2005): Die heimliche Medienrevolution. Wie Weblogs, Wikis und freie Software die Welt verändern, Hannover 2005

Murray, M./Talbot, P./Blackshaw, P. (2005): Trust "Media". How Real People are Finally
Being Heard, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-22

o.V. (2003): Golden blogs. Blogging, to the horror of some, is trying to go commercial, in:
The Economist Nr. 33, 14. August 2003, S. 2

Olbertz, D. (2004): Das Blog-Buch: Weblogs für Einsteiger und Profis, München 2004

Perez, J.C. (2004): Google Sees Benefits in Corporate Blogging, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Pleil, T. (2004): Meinungen machen im Internet? Personal Web Publishing und Online-PR, in: PR-Guide. 09(2004)September, S. 1-15

Pleil, T. (2005): Blogging: PR zwischen Euphorie und Ignoranz, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Przepiorka, S. (2003): Weblogs und deren technische Umsetzung, in:,
15.11.2005, S. 1-12

Rabe, T. (2004): Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser, in:,
17.07.2005, S. 1-2

Radzikowska, M. (2003): Conversation by Blog: Expanding Personal Technology into the Academic Community, Alberta 2003 (unveröff. Masterarbeit Univ. Alberta 2003)

Rainie, L. (2005): The State of Blogging, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-4

Reichardt, R./Harder, G. (2005): Weblogs: Their Use and Application in Science and
Technology Libraries, in: Science & Technology Libraries 25(2005)3, S. 105-116

Röll, M. (2005): Corporate E-Learning mit Weblogs und RSS, in: Hohenstein, A./Wilbers, K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch E-Learning, Köln 2005, S. 1-20

Rosen, E. (2000): The Anatomy of Buzz: How to Create Word-of-Mouth Marketing, New
York 2000

Roush, W. (2005): Digerati Debate the Wisdom of Product Placement in Blogs, in:
Technology Review 5(2005)Juli, o.S.

Schotzger, E. (2005): Blogs bei CEO’s immer beliebter, in:, 17.11.2005, o.S.

Scott, D.M. (2005): Big Business Blogging, in: Econtent 28(2005)3, S. 1-2

Shaw, R. (2005): Blogs. The latest tool in Corporate Arsenals, in: Investor's Business Daily o.Nr., 15. April 2005, o.S.

Sifry, D. (2005): State of the Blogosphere, in:, 15.11.2005, o.S.

Smith, S. (2005): In Search of the Blog Economy, in: Econtent 28(2005)1/2, S. 1-4

Stuber, L. (2004): Suchmaschinen-Marketing. Direct Marketing im Internet, Zürich 2004

Thommen, J.P. (2002): Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 5.Aufl., Zürich 2002

Torio, J. (2005): Blogs. A Global Conversation, New York 2005 (unveröff. Masterarbeit
Univ. New York at Stony Brook 2005)

Wacka, F. (o.J.): Beginners' Guide to Corporate Blogging, in:, 15.11.2005,
S. 1-16

Wagner, C. (2005): Supporting Knowledge Management in Organizations with
Conversational Technologies: Discussion Forums, Weblogs, and Wikis, in: Journal of
Database Management 16(2005)2, S.1-8

Walther, T./Krasselt, M. (2005): Corporate Blogging. Chancen für den Dialog, in:,
15.11.2005, S. 1-48

White, M. (2004): Intranets – Moving From Information to Knowledge. The Role of Blogs
and Wikis, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-6

Wichmann, T. (2004): Weblogs in Marketing und PR: Konzepte, Potenziale und
Herausforderungen, Berlin 2004

Williams, J.B./Jacobs J. (2004): Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector, in: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 20(2004)2,
S. 232-247

Wittenbrink, H. (2005): Newsfeeds mit RSS und Atom, Bonn 2005
Zerfass, A. (2004): Meinungsmacher im Internet. Weblogs und Peer-to-Peer-Dienste als
Herausforderungen für die PR, in:,
15.11.2005, S. 1-9

Zerfass, A. (2005): Corporate Weblogs: Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Herausforderungen, in:, 15.11.2005, S. 1-9

Zerfass, A./Bölter, D. (2005): Die neuen Meinungsmacher. Weblogs als Herausforderung für Kampagnen, Marketing, PR und Medien, Graz 2005

Zerfass, A./Sandhu, S. (2005): Virtuelle Authentizität. Die Nutzung von Weblogs als
Kommunikationsinstrument für das Top-Management, in: http://www.ikp.unibonn.
15.11.2005, o.S.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Thesis about Corporate Blogging finished

Finally, I finished my thesis about Corporate Blogging!! - No posts during the previous weeks because of last-minute-stress to bring it to an end...

I still have some things I'd like to improve and there are many more sources to consider. The field is so active at the moment that there are new articles or studies every week...
I had to stop reading my Bloglines-Blogs beginning of November to concentrate on the sources I had - no considerations of any sources after this date...

Zerfass & Bölter's Meinungsmacher-book helped me a lot bringing my thoughts in order at the end (and also seeing in which directions I could have written more in my thesis). The whole aspect of trust in the online-communication was not considered, even though I wrote (together with others) a semester work about it lately. Also the more macro-view on social software and the whole discussion about Web 2.0 was not considered, even though very interesting! Still, these aspects should be taken into consideration in a study about the blogosphere in general and not in a thesis about blogging for companies.

I'll show some results of the online-survey on this page within the next days - the thesis will be sent out to the people who were interested after the review of my prof.

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