Friday, October 07, 2005

Blogs swamp the world: Survey in the UK // Eypocard

The Guardian from the UK released an article about young people blogging in the UK today.

They use the internet on average 8h/week mainly for online communities, messaging services or email, which is quite a lot, but not that surprising.
What IS surprising: One third of them also said they have their own blogs or webpages!

The survey was a controlled quota sample of 580 people aged between 14 and 21 on September 16-17 and the interviews were conducted face-to-face in 36 randomly selected areas in the UK. The survey was done by ICM.
Seems to be greatly done...

For the rest, I can only add the comment from 'The angel blog':
>One thing is certainly true. If the Guardian is anything like right,
>there are going to be an awful lot of blogs out there.

Zusatz: Hab grad die Eypocard-Story von BloggingTom ein wenig nachgelesen - spannend dass wir auch mal so nen Fall in der Schweiz haben. Tragisch wie von der Firma damit umgegangen wird. Gut dass Blogs durch die starke Verlinkung die Google-Suchkriterien beeinflussen, um Leute darauf aufmerksam machen zu können, dass die Firma nicht ganz saubere Geschäftspraktiken nachverfolgt...! Tolle Recherche von BloggingTom!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,
Just finished to fill up jour questionairre as you asked me by mail. Tomorrow I'll make a post about it so that, may be, you'll have more respondents.
I'd be grateful to know when possible the results.
Best regards
Pier Luca Santoro

5:40 pm  

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